Sacred Pause Women's Retreats 2025
to 25 Aug

Sacred Pause Women's Retreats 2025

Within the community of women and held by the nourishing land of Fell Edge, nestled in a beautiful tranquil spot betwixt undulating meadows & expansive open moorland. These retreats provide the space and safety to drop in deep to invite healing and transformation to what you are calling for.

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S t i l l n e s s ~ a 5Rhythms workshop with Live Music🎵❆
11:00 am11:00

S t i l l n e s s ~ a 5Rhythms workshop with Live Music🎵❆

This workshop is an invitation to come and let it be, to take time out from our everyday movements and drop deep into the dance of Stillness.

The maps of the 5Rhythms and the inspiration of bespoke, improvised live music will guide dancers on a deep and restorative journey, accompanied by atmospheric guitars, ethereal vocals and hypnotic rhythms.

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11:00 am11:00


In this workshop we will have time to dive a little deeper into the dance of relating - finding new ways to meet these connections with more ease, openness and curiosity. Dancing the 5Rhythms can be a profound way to help to dissolve the judgements and habits that separate us from ourselves and each other.

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D e e p e n i n g   P r a c t i c e ~  a 5Rhythms closed group
to 23 Nov

D e e p e n i n g P r a c t i c e ~ a 5Rhythms closed group

Meeting over 3 Saturday afternoons in Balham, 
to dive deeper into the teachings & practice of the 5Rhythms waves map

Dancing with the same group of people over time deepens your connections, to self, other and the whole group. Building trust in a supportive environment to go deeper into the practice to seek the healing and transformation you are calling for.

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Women's Sacred Pause Summer Retreat - Sacred Prayer
to 26 Aug

Women's Sacred Pause Summer Retreat - Sacred Prayer

Women’s Sacred Pause Summer Retreat – Sacred Prayer. An invitation to our fifth sacred pause collaboration at fell edge. To nourish in the divine feminine & community, dive deep into 5Rhythms dance, ceremony, ritual theatre, breathwork, self-enquiry, aromatic massage, yoga nidra, meditation, silence & shamanic journeying.

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Intimate  Pathways  - 5Rhythms & Lifesensing  Workshop
to 27 Jul

Intimate Pathways - 5Rhythms & Lifesensing Workshop

The art of dancing toward the intimate

Meeting ourselves in the intimacy of the dance space, meeting others one to one, and meeting the whole group can open us to deeper connection. It can also, perhaps, stifle our spontaneity & freedom of expression. We are responding to the call and deeply felt need of fellow dancers to explore this inspiring, crucial and always present theme.

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Sacred Pause ~ Women's Beltane Retreat
to 6 May

Sacred Pause ~ Women's Beltane Retreat

A warm welcome to join us for our fourth sacred pause collaboration at fell edge for Beltane. The celebration of nature’s fertility and potency of creative lifeforce. Nourishing in the divine feminine, we shall dive deep into 5Rhythms dance, ritual theatre, shadow work, self-enquiry, sound, breathwork, yoga nidra, meditation and shamanic journeying.

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10:30 am10:30


  • Theatre , Chestnut Grove Academy (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Wave is a movement journey through the 5Rhythms of Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness.  It is a medicine map of how energy moves. Everytime we dance the wave it’s a different journey, although the structure remains the same - we begin, we rise, the wave breaks at its peak, lightens and finds a moment of ending. Everytime we dance the wave there is potential for huge shifts in our embodiment and consciousness.

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the mystery of  d a r k n e s s
10:30 am10:30

the mystery of d a r k n e s s

  • Theatre, Chestnut Grove Academy (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As we approach the winter solstice, the turning point in the closing year, we offer this workshop as an enquiry through dance & written word:

~What am I holding onto that no longer serves?

~What calls to be released to the dark?

~What do I wish to bring light and life to that I can nurture through the deepening winter?

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Sacred Pause Women's Retreat ~ Vessels of Love
to 28 Aug

Sacred Pause Women's Retreat ~ Vessels of Love

A warm welcome to join Nikki & Emmalene for our third sacred pause collaboration. Nourishing in the divine feminine, we shall dive deep into 5Rhythms dance, shamanic journeying, shadow work, self-enquiry, yoga nidra and meditation. In this retreat we shall explore the shamanic cauldrons – the three vessels of love – body, heart & mind – to clear & reconcile anything that may be holding us back,  so we may radiate our true light into the world & fulfil our soul’s purpose more fully for ourselves and the greater field. 

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Being there - a one day workshop exploring presence in motion
11:00 am11:00

Being there - a one day workshop exploring presence in motion

This workshop is an exploration of presence, dancing with the many ways we drop in and out of it. We will use practical embodiment tools to help us cultivate our capacity to presence ourselves in the moment. And following the maps of the 5Rhythms we will move with the question; What expands my capacity to be present & what diminishes it?

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W e D a n c e on the Common - with Community Picnic afterwards
1:30 pm13:30

W e D a n c e on the Common - with Community Picnic afterwards

  • Clapham Common London, England, SW4 United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will finish dancing at 3 pm - and will picnic together after for those who wish to stay.

Join us Saturday afternoon for our 5Rhythms practice followed by our community gathering. Bring a picnic, your hula hoops, frisbees, blanket or even a book! However, you would like to hang out and be together after the dance.

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Soul Shine Wellness Workshop
2:00 pm14:00

Soul Shine Wellness Workshop

An invitation to join us for a deep dive into the body’s instinctive expression, releasing us from 'overthinking’, helping us to reconnect to our authenticity in a poetic, dynamic art form. An opportunity to clear out the clutter the body stores up and make some space for our souls to shine through the dance.

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