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Sacred Pause ~ Women's Beltane Retreat

  • Fell Edge Barn addingham Moorside Lane Ilkley, England, LS29 9JX United Kingdom (map)

Empowered to express ourselves without censorship or distortion with natural ease and pleasure our innate gifts rise to the fore

Gratitude and appreciation for who we truly are manifest  Our place and belonging in the world  is to live aligned to our Soul’s purpose

Unshackled by limitations everything is possible

So it is for the burgeoning nature all around us as we transition spring to early summer

A warm welcome to join us for our fourth sacred pause collaboration at fell edge for Beltane. The celebration of nature’s fertility and potency of creative lifeforce. Nourishing in the divine feminine, we shall dive deep into 5Rhythms dance, ritual theatre, shadow work, self-enquiry, sound, breathwork, yoga nidra, meditation and shamanic journeying. 

In this retreat the rhythm of lyrical and the vishuddha chakra (the throat) are our focus for the developmental work we shall embark on. We shall explore what is our personal truth, and how to interweave yin/feminine/receptive and yang/masculine/active energies within us, to bring about fluid balance between our inner and outer worlds, and therein be more spacious, integrated and centred with whatever is going on around us. 

There will be good companionship, shared lunches and dinners, a fire ceremony, walking on the land, and much more. Fell edge barn is nestled in a beautiful tranquil spot between the undulating meadows of the Yorkshire dales and the expansive open moorland of Ilkley moor. The venue has a lovely spacious dancefloor, well-equipped kitchen, toilets and showers, and accommodation options include camping on the land or sleeping in the barn at £8/night, or choose locally from a wide range of places to meet your preference and budget.

I will be co-holding this retreat with Shamanic healing practitioner Emmalene Katayama. Emmalene has a private practice in Yorkshire since 2000, taught complementary therapies for 12 years, and has held seasonal retreats and group meditations since 2007. With warm generosity and an innate love for life, she creates safe sacred spaces and intuitively draws from her eclectic knowledge to offer opportunities for self-exploration and transformation. Dancing 5Rhythms and open floor has been her spiritual practice for over two decades.

When 4pm Fri 4th - 4pm Mon 6th May 2024

Where Fell Edge Barn, Addingham Moorside, Yorkshire LS29 9JX

Costs *£280 / £240 early bird 10% discount before april 3rd 2024
limited concession places available: pls email enquiries *cost for retreat only, accommodation & some meals at your expense

More info/to book: 07972 659701 07951 011423

Earlier Event: 30 March